How to fit to page in word 2007
How to fit to page in word 2007

This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None. min_df float in range or int, default=1įrequency strictly lower than the given threshold. If float, the parameter represents a proportion of documents, integer When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a documentįrequency strictly higher than the given threshold (corpus-specific max_df float in range or int, default=1.0

how to fit to page in word 2007

Since v0.21, if input is filename or file, the data isįirst read from the file and then passed to the given callableĪnalyzer. If a callable is passed it is used to extract the sequence of features Word boundaries n-grams at the edges of words are padded with space. Option ‘char_wb’ creates character n-grams only from text inside Whether the feature should be made of word n-gram or character Parameters : input or callable, default=’word’ That does some kind of feature selection then the number of features willīe equal to the vocabulary size found by analyzing the data.

how to fit to page in word 2007

If you do not provide an a-priori dictionary and you do not use an analyzer This implementation produces a sparse representation of the counts using CountVectorizer ( *, input='content', encoding='utf-8', decode_error='strict', strip_accents=None, lowercase=True, preprocessor=None, tokenizer=None, stop_words=None, token_pattern='(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b', ngram_range=(1, 1), analyzer='word', max_df=1.0, min_df=1, max_features=None, vocabulary=None, binary=False, dtype= ) ¶Ĭonvert a collection of text documents to a matrix of token counts.

How to fit to page in word 2007